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These are the security camera recordings from July 25th of this year, showing a team from the Tirana Prosecutor's Office, led by Judicial Police Officer Juliana Beqiraj, arriving for an inspection related to a general investigation initiated in 2022 by the State Police concerning aesthetic centers in Tirana and the materials used in them. As a business that operates in full compliance with all Albanian laws and regulations, “Gremi Clinic Wellness” has fully cooperated by providing the prosecutors with everything they requested to assist in the investigation, which began in 2022. We would like to emphasize that this investigation is unrelated to “Gremi Clinic Wellness”. It was initiated as a general inquiry into aesthetic clinics in Tirana, specifically concerning the use of Botox, based on the information we have received. The footage confirms that the staff at “Gremi Clinic Wellness” demonstrated maximum cooperation in providing the materials requested by Mrs. Beqiraj and her team, as specified in the warrant they possessed. Surprisingly, without any legal justification—or perhaps for reasons known only to Mrs. Beqiraj—during the inspection at “Gremi Clinic Wellness”, the staff faced intimidation, arrogance, and highly unethical behavior from the prosecutor's office employees. These employees accused the staff of obstructing their investigation, as if they were dealing with a criminal enterprise or a ring of prostitution. The footage clearly shows that Mrs. Beqiraj was granted full access to the clinic's computer, as well as all files and records held by “Gremi Clinic Wellness”. Despite this, the arrogance and lack of professionalism of an institutional employee—whose salary is funded by the taxes of honest businesses like “Gremi Clinic” and many others—were compounded by Mrs. Beqiraj's actions. Over her more than six-hour stay at “Gremi Clinic”, she not only disrupted the normal operations of the business but, without any valid justification, called for "reinforcements" in the form of several police patrols that stayed for hours inside and outside the premises. It is clear from the cameras that during this time, both local and foreign clients were coming and going from the clinic. The reasons for deploying police patrols are known only to Mrs. Beqiraj, as the only people present were two young female employees who were intimidated by those funded by their taxes and contributions to ensure their safety and peace. The security footage clearly shows that there was no violence, resistance, or problematic behavior from the staff during the prosecutor’s inspection. What justified the need for police patrols to remain for hours inside and outside the center, turning it into a "crime scene," damaging its reputation with clients coming and going, and creating a sense of terror and panic among local residents? What illegal activities could have been occurring at Gremi Clinic Wellness that made it necessary for Mrs. Beqiraj to call in the State Police, effectively isolating the clinic for hours? How many police officers are available to spend hours outside a legitimate business while there are numerous other issues in the city where they could be more effectively deployed? If every inspection by Mrs. Beqiraj required police intervention, who would handle actual criminal activity in the country? Is this really how the Tirana Prosecutor’s Office and the State Police choose to utilize Albanian citizens' taxes? When asked about this incident, the CEO of “Gremi Clinic” stated that he will seek justice both publicly and through official channels. “We have faith in the leadership of the prosecutor’s office and in the justice system of this country. I publicly state that my rights as a citizen and entrepreneur have been violated and that the prosecutor’s staff has abused the power granted to them by their roles. The authority of Mrs. Beqiraj, or the influence of anyone behind her, must come to an end. If this does not happen, it means the system has failed, but I do not believe this to be the case. I do not pay taxes to support injustice and terror. We have no chance of joining the EU with such behavior, considering the European Union's recommendations and the lengthy chapters we need to sign,” says Mr. Gremi. He also demands an administrative investigation and the immediate removal of Mrs. Beqiraj from her position, as all her violations are documented on camera. He believes that taking this action would honor both the prosecutor’s office and the citizens.

As someone who returned from emigration years ago to fight and contribute to Albania, Dritan Gremi asserts that such behavior, along with other actions by state employees in the past, will never break him or make him turn back. On the contrary, he will neither be broken nor intends to retreat. "I will defend my honor and reputation until the end and with my head held high. I did not come here to retreat, and I believe that this public denunciation serves my country, myself, and the businesses that face such abuses daily. I will continue to challenge every state employee—whether inspectors, tax directors, police officers, Judicial Police Officers, or prosecutors—until this country is fully cleansed of corruption. As a foreign ambassador to our country once said, 'The fight to change the country must primarily be carried out by you Albanians; we can only support you.' I am confident that we will win this battle; it is only a matter of time. I have lived in a free and democratic country that instilled in me strong principles with which I will not compromise, one of which is justice. It is not I who should leave; those who abuse their power should go, and the sooner, the better. I will not leave nor will I act as a bridge for Mrs. Beqiraj to continue her abuses of other honest citizens and tax payers. I will stay and fight as I always have. I will also send a protest note to not only the Ministry of Justice but also to my partners, including the French and Italian Chambers of Commerce, the French Embassy, foreign embassies, and other international institutions. This is not the Albania that is moving towards the EU. This is not the path to integration; this is not the Albania I want. Perhaps Mrs. Beqiraj or others like the current state of the country, but unfortunately for them, Albania will change, and there will be no place for them—it is simply a matter of time," says Mr. Gremi. It is important to remember that in times when the new justice system has become a key factor not only in the functioning of the state but also in restoring citizens' trust, removing corrupt officials who abuse their positions is the primary challenge. Reporting them is, in turn, a duty for every honest citizen who confronts their arrogance.

Meanwhile, as the investigation into the use of Botox in aesthetic clinics continues, we have a sincere question for Mrs. Beqiraj: Does she personally receive Botox injections or use prohibited materials? Which clinics does she choose to visit, and can she contribute to the investigation herself?

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