A reality show focusing on memory tourism in Albania. This original concept comes from entrepreneur Dritan Gremi and has been revealed for the first time in the French edition of Forbes.
The format is set on Sazan Island and aims to immerse its participants in a communist-era environment through a reality show. The participants won't only be Albanians but also individuals from around the globe. The objective? To educate young people about the consequences of dictatorial systems while simultaneously delivering a message to the contemporary world to strive for improvement and steer clear of the looming threat of war, as Gremi suggests.
Dritan Gremi, the Albanian entrepreneur aiming to transform memory tourism into a reality show for public awareness
From medical tourism to the entertainment industry, Albanian entrepreneur Dritan Gremi is determined to pioneer a new era in reality television. His concept diverges from the typical seaside villas of Miami and the already familiar Bimbo movies, instead focusing on the barracks and bunkers inherited from the communist era. The objective? To heighten awareness among the younger generation about memory tourism and to instill a sense of responsibility in them. Meeting someone who has achieved everything independently raises concerns about an era losing its direction.
You're pioneering the first reality show centered around "communist memory tourism" in your country. What are your objectives? Specifically, how will this program operate?
Dritan Gremi:To remember, so as to never forget. Our primary objective is to raise awareness among the younger generation about our history, especially in light of the extremist tendencies we're witnessing across the continent and beyond. Albania had one of the most oppressive communist systems in Eastern Europe, and today, the country is often seen as an open-air museum. The project's concept has been finalized; we've identified several suitable locations for this format, and one option is the island of Sazan. It's a place that was once a military base, where entry was strictly prohibited. The island has remained untouched, preserving old military settlements, barracks, and remnants of that era.
Similar to shows like Koh Lanta or Isola dei Famosi, but with an entirely different ethos, our program will transport candidates to another era where they'll become the protagonists. Viewers will gain insight into what it truly meant to live under dictatorial rule, as communism has often been romanticized erroneously.
Candidates will reside in modestly furnished, nearly identical homes, lacking essential appliances like refrigerators, washing machines, or showers. These empty houses require food purchases with ration coupons, accompanied by long queues starting as early as 5 in the morning for just 1 liter of milk, which often runs out before your turn arrives.
Also integral to this portrayal are the concealed antennas used to intercept Italian television channels. If someone was discovered or suspected of espionage, they would face imprisonment.
Bunkers, hidden like mushrooms in every neighborhood, punctuate citizens' daily lives with sirens and military drills, preparing them to defend against an imaginary enemy. Let's not forget the state's security apparatus, constantly vigilant for the slightest deviation - spoken or implied - ready to judge anything contradicting the prevailing ideology. How will participants adapt to this authoritarian regime? Will they endure the conditions, the environment, and all other challenges? Participation in this reality show knows no geographical boundaries; individuals from France, Canada, or Turkey can apply without restriction.
Facing candidates from all countries with similar harsh living conditions to those during the communist era, what debates do you want to foster?
Firstly, we aim to illustrate that the world we inhabit and the circumstances we endure aren't always as dire as commonly perceived. Secondly, we seek to acquaint young individuals with the realities and experiences of our predecessors, underscoring the imperative to safeguard the world we inhabit at all costs, particularly as threats loom ominously and can swiftly encroach upon our peaceful existence without warning. It is incumbent upon us all to contribute to the preservation of peace, ensuring that our hard-won lives are not jeopardized by conflicts or dictatorial regimes. Maintaining peace, resisting totalitarianism, and combating all forms of dictatorship are imperative.
This approach may be applicable not only in Albania but also in countries such as Germany, Italy, or France, given the emergence of certain extreme movements or personalities being idealized. The specter of war is palpable, spreading across regions like Ukraine and the Middle East, permeating the air with the scent of gunpowder.
Can we discuss the responsibilities of the media that air programs focused on the cult of external appearance and materialism?
The reality is that television has disrupted the balance in instilling values and has promoted stereotypes that negatively impact the mindset of each individual. In recent years, we have witnessed the emergence and proliferation of shows like Big Brother, The Bachelor, The Real Housewives, Secret Story... on channels and platforms that merely distort reality. These shows fabricate a false world, enticing the audience to fantasize about extravagant and unrealistic lifestyles. Consequently, people lose motivation to work or better themselves, instead aspiring to emulate characters who amass wealth by adhering to the rules of a constructed game.
Therefore, it is imperative to invest your energy in achieving your goals and realizing your dreams; personal, professional, and social development is within reach for everyone. I am a testament to this truth!
Do social networks play a distorting role in the pursuit of an easier life?
From television to the digital realm, from small screen personalities to bloggers, this phenomenon has recently extended to other platforms. Social media are more than just mechanisms for spreading and disseminating ideas, concepts, or trends virally. Everything hinges on what we promote and the models we choose to emulate. To counteract this trend or redirect it in favor of noble values, there must be a societal agreement to collectively understand and define the principles we must uphold and the direction we wish to take to shape our society.

“Boomers” versus ”digital natives”: have these two worlds become parallel?
The generation gap has always been present, and parent-child relationships have continually evolved due to the progress of each era. Each period brings its own changes, with young people often embracing them more readily, while older generations tend to maintain a more conservative stance. However, I don't believe this warrants the assertion of two parallel worlds.
With the concept of your show, you'll delve into your country's history and heritage, potentially reopening some wounds; do you have the support of Albanian political authorities?
I don't believe wounds heal simply by ignoring or avoiding them. On the contrary, confronting these issues can greatly aid our progress; otherwise, the risk of repeating past mistakes and regressing remains real. That's precisely why memory tourism serves a crucial purpose: to understand and remember, ensuring history doesn't repeat itself. Our opportunity lies in living in a free world today, where we have the freedom to create, act, and pursue the initiatives we desire.
It's also important to note that change often originates from individuals or specific groups, rather than solely from states, later gaining support from governments and institutions...
German, Italian, and Swiss television channels have shown interest in your new program. Are you in contact with French broadcasters?
My vision is to create a unique format tailored to each country's specifics, culminating in a special season where representatives from different states converge. The true uniqueness lies in merging cultures and nationalities into a cohesive concept. As mentioned earlier, this project goes beyond Albania's borders, as many countries worldwide possess rich histories waiting to be shared. A format uniting participants in remembrance of their individual historical contexts will undoubtedly foster global awareness and engagement.
Our world extends beyond our immediate environment, namely Europe, historically viewed as the world's epicenter. Today, our common home encompasses the entire planet, and our goal is for peace to prevail everywhere. In light of this, I'd certainly be interested in discussions with potential French producers and broadcasters.
Moreover, Sazan Island is of interest to Jared Kushner, son-in-law of former United States President Donald Trump, for other real estate projects.
You're an exceptional entrepreneur who genuinely prioritizes the well-being of both your employees and clients. Implementing a 32-hour workweek without detriment to your business is commendable. How do you balance performance with quality of work life?
Currently, at Gremi Clinic, we operate on a 32-hour workweek with two and a half days off per week, setting a new record in Europe. This surpasses the Netherlands, which previously held the European title with a 32.4-hour workweek. I firmly believe that happiness is contagious; it spreads among people. Thus, contented employees not only contribute to their own happiness but also to the overall positive atmosphere. Conversely, discontented individuals disrupt the harmony within the workplace. I believe it's the duty of every entrepreneur to create job opportunities and wealth, while public policies should ensure security, stability, and enhance quality of life.
In line with this philosophy, my aim is to transition to a three-day workweek with only four workdays. Undoubtedly, this will be our greatest challenge in the years ahead. Furthermore, earlier this year, we participated in the International Tourism Fair "ITB Berlin" and the "Salon Mondial du Tourisme" in Paris, where we introduced an innovative concept: "Tourism of Happiness".
Gjithmonë kam thënë që të jesh sipërmarrës shoqerohet me përgjegjësi sociale. Unë e kuptoj se njerëzit nuk janë më të predispozuar për të punuar me orë të gjata. Ata janë në kërkim të një ekuilibri më të mirë të jetës. Nga ky bilanc, produktiviteti vetëm mund të rritet, pasi në fund të fundit një punonjës i lumtur dhe i përmbushur do të perkushtohet më shumë. Pra, po, ne po shkojmë drejt një epoke lumturie dhe besoj se kjo do të jetë sfida e ardhshme për kompanitë: aftësia e tyre për të siguruar zhvillimin e punonjësve të tyre. Sipërmarrësit dhe drejtuesit e tjerë të lartë duhet të kuptojnë se kjo është sfida e së ardhmes.
On a different note, our country, Albania, is witnessing a significant exodus of young people and workers emigrating primarily to the EU and the USA. If we aim to retain our youth and slow down emigration, we must improve their treatment, not just in terms of wages but also in working conditions.
Ultimately, we will all be judged and remembered not for the wealth we accumulate and leave behind, but for the legacy we build and the positive impact we have on others.