
Together with Ukraine for the Memory Tourism… “War Pandemic”, a real threat for tourism

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“Together with Ukraine for Memory Tourism… ‘War Pandemic,’ a Real Threat for Tourism.”
This was the title of the event held at the premises of ITB Berlin, organized by Gremi Clinic and Dritan Gremi, in collaboration with Mariana Oleskiv, the director of the National Tourism Development Agency in Ukraine.
During this activity aimed at promoting memory tourism, representatives from both countries outlined the specifics of each nation regarding this type of tourism, which may soon have its pavilion at international fairs.
While Mr. Gremi first introduced the idea of memory tourism in Albania a year earlier, in this edition of ITB, he emphasized the important message that the past should not be forgotten to avoid repeating it.
Recalling the fact that Albania endured one of the harshest dictatorships in Europe during the Hoxha regime, Gremi highlighted the importance of recognizing the symbols of that period and transforming them into visitor attractions for tourists.
On the other hand, Ms. Oleskiv presented Ukraine’s project to identify and build a network of war sites that will be turned into visitor attractions to showcase the consequences and truth of war.
Ms. Oleskiv and Mr. Gremi also emphasized the importance and opportunity for every individual to live in a free world.